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Level 1: Creek

Standard Actions and a Final Project

At the Creek level, students will learn about the 8 Steps to a Jersey-Friendly Yard by completing lessons and activities, or Standard Actions, for each step. Then, they will apply what they have learned by completing a Jersey-Friendly school garden or landscape project.

Links to appropriate lessons and activities are provided for the Standard Actions in each step; however, you can choose instead to use your own lessons and activities that align with those steps. Lessons and activities are grade-appropriate as indicated by the following designations:

  • All Grades (AG)
  • Pre-K and Kindergarten (PKK)
  • Grades 1-3, Early/Lower Elementary (LE)
  • Grades 4-6, Upper Elementary (UE)
  • Grades 7-9, Middle School (MS)
  • Grades 10-12, High School (HS)

Standard Actions can be completed in any order; we recommend starting with Step 1: Plan Before You Plant and Step 2: Start With Healthy Soil, then building from there. After finishing the Standard Actions, your students will be ready to start their Schoolyard garden project.

Standard Actions for Creek Certification

Click the ovals in the image below to view the Standard Actions for each of the 8 steps.
Click in the middle to view the Project Actions.

Additional Helpful Resources

Below you will find links to additional resources for School Field Trips, Roving Naturalists, and Professional Development for Teachers. These resources are useful for multiple steps in the School Program.

Resources for Educational Field Trips

Learn about the habitats and wildlife of the Barnegat Bay watershed.

Resources for Roving Naturalists

Borrow a Naturalist from Ocean County Parks and Recreation!  Many of Ocean County’s schools are located in some of the most unique natural areas in the country. Naturalist Chris Claus will provide a nature walk at your school, answer questions, and provide lesson and activity ideas. Perfect for all grade levels. Email Chris at cclaus@co.ocean.nj.us or call him at 732-506-5122.

Cattus Island County Park and Jakes Branch County Park both provide Live Animal Talks at their Nature Centers. At Cattus, learn about the native wildlife of a salt marsh and maritime forest. At Jakes Branch, learn about native wildlife in the Pine Barrens. Get ideas about how to create habitat for wildlife on your Jersey-Friendly Schoolyard.

Resources for Schoolwide and Classroom Wildlife Programs

Trout in the Classroom

Raise freshwater trout in your classroom and release them in a nearby stream in the spring.

Project Terrapin

Raise diamondback terrapins in the classroom and release them in the Barnegat Bay in the spring.

Shellfish in the Classroom

Raise oysters in the classroom and learn about their important role in keeping our bay water clean.

Resources for Professional Development Opportunities for Educators

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