Saturday, September 14, 2024 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Native Plant Sale from 12:00 – 2:00 p.m.
Ocean County College, Toms River, NJ
Cost: $20

The 2024 Jersey-Friendly Yards Conference, themed “The Hows and Whys for Spaces of Any Size,” promises an engaging, workshop-based experience for gardening enthusiasts of all levels. This year’s event will feature keynote speaker, Bobbie Herbs, and your choice of two hands-on sessions: native plant propagation, soil assessment, invasive plant identification, or a dynamic Q&A panel discussion with Master Gardeners, offering expert advice and insights. Join us to learn practical techniques and sustainable practices to transform any sized space into a thriving, Jersey-Friendly Yard.

Registration is not considered complete until the $20 Conference Fee has been paid. The Conference Fee covers morning refreshments and honorariums for workshop leads. Once you register for your desired workshops, a confirmation will appear on the screen with a link to pay through Ocean County College’s Payment Portal. You will have to create an account, click Enroll and Pay, then input your payment info. If you accidentally close the window before paying, you can use this link to pay:

Any registration questions can be directed to Bailey Sanders at

Conference Location

The conference will be held in the Gateway building on the campus of Ocean County College, College Drive, Toms River, NJ 08754.

Conference Schedule

8:30 – 9:00 am
Exhibits and morning refreshments
9:00 – 9:15 am
9:15 – 10:15 am
Backyard Transformation in Just Three Years: Re-creating Nature
Presenter: Bobbie J. Herbs
10:15 – 10:30 am
10:30 am – 11:15 am
Workshop Session #1
Attendees will select their preferred workshop during registration. For more details on the available workshops, see below!
11:15 am – 11:30 am
11:30 am – 12:15 pm
Workshop Session #2
Attendees will select their preferred workshop during registration. For more details on the available workshops, see below!
12:15 pm – 12:30 pm
Closing Remarks
12:30 – 2:00 pm
Native Plant Sale

About the Presenters

EDIT: Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, our scheduled keynote speaker, Elaine Silverstein, is no longer able to attend.

However, we are pleased to announce that Bobbie Herbs, Master Gardener and Co-leader of the Southwest Chapter of the Native Plant Society of New Jersey, has graciously agreed to step in as the keynote speaker. We are confident that Bobbie will deliver an insightful and engaging presentation. See below for a title, description, and bio:

Backyard Transformation in Just Three Years: Re-creating Nature

Bobbie J. Herbs

Starting with a blank slate in 2018, Bobbie Herbs created a compact native plant garden in her backyard. Nestled in dense suburbia she hoped to bring some wild into her yard while not offending her neighbors. She will walk us through her steps of research, design, and execution – all beautifully documented through her photography. Bobbie will then discuss what worked, what didn’t work, and how mother nature sometimes has her own ideas!

Bobbie J. Herbs is a certified Rutgers University Master Gardener. She earned her Ornamental Horticulture Certification at Longwood Gardens and serves on the board of the Native Plant Society of New Jersey. She gardens passionately, without too much fuss by using native plants as living mulch, everchanging floral displays, and putting a little wild in her small garden. Her backyard, in dense suburbia, attracts skippers, butterflies, frogs, toads, dragonflies, spiders and a recent immature box turtle. She is honored to make a healthier earth – at least her little piece of it – and offers hope to others who consider recreating natural habitat in their gardens. Her work with NPSNJ provides a community of like-minded people and lifelong learning about the significant role native plants have in sustaining a healthy planet and beautifying our yards.


During registration, attendees will register for their desired workshops from the options below:

  • Exploring Soil Texture
    Becky Laboy, Education and Outreach Coordinator for the Ocean County Soil Conservation District
    Soil texture is an important soil property. It can affect water absorption, nutrient holding capacity, pH, and soil biota. During this hands-on workshop we will determine soil texture in several ways and discuss how you can make small modifications to your soil over time, to improve your garden’s health. 
  • Native Plant Propagation
    Bill Errickson, Agriculture & Natural Resources Agent, Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Monmouth County
    Propagating native plants is a practical skill that anyone can learn. However, there are specific techniques that can help to increase your rate of success. This hands-on workshop will cover basic methods of propagating native plants from seed, cuttings, and divisions, providing you with the ability to expand your collection of native plants!
  • Got Invasives? Replacing Invasive Plants in Your Landscape With Natives
    Michele Bakacs, Agricultural Agent of Middlesex and Union County.
    Many of us have invasive plants in our landscapes but hesitate to remove them, unsure of species replacements. We will learn best practices for removing common invasive landscape plants and choose native replacement species. Together we will design native landscapes on paper that can be successful under different site conditions.
  • Rutgers Master Gardeners Q&A Panel Discussion
    Susan Emhardt-Servidio, RMG Coordinator of Ocean County
    Angela Monaghan, RMG Coordinator of Middlesex County
    Belinda Chester, RMG Coordinator of Atlantic County
    Patti Dixon, Horticultural Consultant of Ocean County
    Ann Goldman, RMG of Monmouth County

Native Plant Sale

Confirmed Native Plant Nurseries that will be in attendance:
Earth First Native Plant Nursery
Steven Kristoph Nursery
Toadshade Wildflower Farm (also offers a variety of native seeds for sale)
The Little Plant Company