Home » Jersey Yards Certification Program » Residents Certification


Join the growing network of residents making their yards healthier for both people and wildlife!

If you’re a resident and property owner, this program is for you!
Small changes in our yards make a big difference for cleaner water and a healthier environment
at home and in our communities.

What Are the Benefits of Certification?

  • Knowledge that your yard supports clean water and healthy living conditions,
  • Recognition for being an environmental leader in your community,
  • Early bird notification and discounts for Jersey-Friendly Yards workshops and conferences,
  • Opportunities to network with other residents committed to landscaping for a healthy environment, and  
  • A free Jersey-Friendly Yard sign to display in your yard while supplies last!

Get Your Yard Certified!

Complete the Jersey-Friendly Yards Checklist

Use the Resident Program checklist to find out how many Jersey-Friendly practices you’re already using in your yard, and which additional practices you can adopt for an even healthier yard. 

Share Photos of Your Jersey-Friendly Yard

Once your checklist score is 30 or more, email us photos of a Jersey-Friendly landscape practice you are using in your yard and include a sentence (or more) about it. We want to hear about how you are landscaping for a healthy environment.

Use the form below to send your photos and descriptions. 

Share Photos of Your Landscape With Us

Certification Resident Landscape Photos

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Upload Up To 3 Photos of Your Landscape

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What if your
initial checklist score
is less than 30?

We can help you get certified!

Explore the resources on the Jersey-Friendly Yards website, including the 8 Steps to a Jersey-Friendly Yard and Interactive Yard, to learn more about additional steps you can take in your own yard. Attend Jersey-Friendly Yards webinars or workshops, or watch previously recorded webinars on a variety of topics. Information about upcoming programs and links to recordings are available on our Events webpages. 

Once you’ve taken additional Jersey-Friendly actions in your yard, complete the checklist again. If your checklist score is at least 30, you’re ready to move on to Step 2! 

Questions About Getting Certified? Contact Us Now!