Jersey-Friendly Yards Resident Certification Checklist

Complete this checklist about your current yard care practices. If you check off at least 30 of the actions on the list, you can become a certified Jersey-Friendly Yards Resident!

Certification Residents Checklist

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Just a reminder, you are more than welcome to complete this Residential Certification Checklist, but certification is currently only valid for residents of the Barnegat Bay Watershed. This mainly consists of individuals in Ocean County, along with small parts of Burlington and Monmouth County.

Residential Certification Survey Checklist

Use this Resident Program checklist to find out how many Jersey-Friendly practices you’re already using in your yard, and which additional practices you can adopt for an even healthier yard. Save your checklist to record your progress as you expand your list of Jersey-Friendly landscaping practices.
step 1 - plan before you plant
Step 1 Plan Before You Plant
step 2 - soil
Step 2 Start with Healthy Soil
step 3 - water
Step 3 Water Wisely
step 4 - fertilize less
Step 4 Fertilize Less
step 5 - pests
Step 5 Minimize Risks When Managing Pests
step 6 - lawn
Step 6 Reduce Lawn Size
step 7 - habitat
Step 7 Create Wildlife Habitat
step 8 - compost
Step 8 Reduce, Reuse, Recycle in the Yard
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