Funding Opportunity Application
Welcome to the launch of our Jersey-Friendly YardsSchool Certification Program! In 2022, we are fortunate to be able to offer funding and guidance to two to three schools in the Barnegat Bay watershed to assist them with attaining Jersey-Friendly Schoolyard certification. This Funding Opportunity for schools is part of a grant from the New Jersey […]
[sscshare]Welcome to the launch of our Jersey-Friendly Yards
School Certification Program!

In 2022, we are fortunate to be able to offer funding and guidance to two to three schools in the Barnegat Bay watershed to assist them with attaining Jersey-Friendly Schoolyard certification.
This Funding Opportunity for schools is part of a grant from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to the Barnegat Bay Partnership to develop the Jersey-Friendly Yards certification program.
To apply for funding, first submit your School Program Enrollment Form, then complete and submit the Funding Opportunity Application below.