Keep It Low-Maintenance for Remaining Lawn Areas

Reduce the impacts of a lawn on the environment and on your bank account by choosing the right turf grass varieties and by following Rutgers guidelines for proper lawn care and maintenance. Here are a few general tips:

  • Get a soil test. The soil test results will tell you what type, if any, fertilizer you need and how much to apply. Learn more about importance of soil health.
  • Use slow-release fertilizers when amendments are needed and apply them responsibly. Learn how to fertilize responsibly.
  • Mow high. Keeping turf at the proper height shades grass roots and reduces evaporation of soil moisture. Rutgers recommends maintaining a height of 2.5 to 3 inches for most cool season grasses.
  • Use a mulching mower. Grass clippings can provide as much as one-half of the nitrogen required for a healthy lawn.
  • Seed with low-maintenance grass species. Tall fescues and fine fescues need less nitrogen and water than Kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass species.
  • Water only where and when needed. Learn about water use and water efficiency for landscaping.