Popular perennial shrub that demands a lot of sunlight in exchange for fragrant leaves, which are popular for a multitude of uses.

Meadowsweet is a beautiful native shrub known for its elegant clusters of white flowers and its importance in providing habitat for various wildlife species.

Wild Senna is a wildflower native to North America that boasts bright yellow flowers and plays a crucial role in supporting local pollinators.

Maple-leaf-shaped foliage surround purple, fragrant, rose-like flowers that bloom profusely all summer long.

Pussy Willow has attractive early spring blooming “furry” flowers resembling a tiny cat’s paw.

Tiny densely clustered pink flowers attract bees, butterflies and other pollinators. Host plant for numerous butterfly and moth caterpillars.

Bright yellow 4-petaled flowers bloom continuously from mid-summer through early fall, attracting bees, butterflies and birds.

Bright red textured fruit capsules split open in the fall revealing 4 glossy orange-red seeds, eaten by birds.

White flowers bloom in May-July, attracting pollinating bees, wasps and beetles to this small shrub.