Pussy Willow has attractive early spring blooming “furry” flowers resembling a tiny cat’s paw.

One of the first plants to bloom in the spring, Cutleaf Toothwort showcases multiple 4-petaled white-to-pale-pink flowers atop its fleshy branches on this attractive herbaceous perennial.

This spring ephemeral blooms in March and April providing early nectar for waking bees.

Multiple delicate, pale yellow bell-shaped flowers hang from slender stems of this woodland plant in late spring.

Petite yet stately, this spring wildflower will make an excellent addition to your woodland garden.

Yellow umbels of flowers bloom in late spring, providing a welcome source of nectar for bees and other pollinators. 

This unique perennial has only two leaves and one flower, that blooms in late spring.

This easy-to-grow flowering groundcover offers early spring blooms of yellow daisy-like flowers and year-round lush green foliage.

One of the first plants to bloom in the spring, this perky low-growing plant has lobed green leaves and bright yellow poppy-like flowers.

Hosta is a flowering perennial mainly grown for its attractive foliage. The Hosta genus includes many species and varieties with different combinations of leaf shapes, colors, and patterns. Bell-shaped flowers in a variety of colors bloom in late spring to summer on top of stalks extending above the foliage. This plant prefers moist, well-drained, organically rich soil. Use Hosta in shady beds and borders or in woodland gardens. Protect Hosta from deer browse, as it can be one of their favorite plants!