Mimulus alatus plants have square stems, smooth leaves, and pale blue to violet, snapdragon-like flowers that bloom from June through September.

Geum rivale is a clump-forming, hairy perennial with showy, nodding, bell-shaped purple flowers.

Bottle Gentian are slow-growing but long-lived perennials with dark blue, bottle-like cylindrical flowers that look like buds about to open.

One of the showiest of our many native goldenrods; it blooms late summer to fall and provides an important nectar source for pollinators.

Each delicate looking flower has 5 odorless, white, fringed petals; mainly pollinated by moths.

Tiny densely clustered pink flowers attract bees, butterflies and other pollinators. Host plant for numerous butterfly and moth caterpillars.

Purple Giant Hyssop is a tall, late-summer blooming perennial. Purple flowers are attractive to bees, butterflies and hummingbirds.

King of the Meadow is valued for its delicately patterned attractive foliage.

Pussytoes is grown for its basal rosette of soft velvety leaves. Small bees and flies pollinate the small white spring blooming flowers.